Quem Somos

A Galt Capital é uma gestora de carteiras de valores mobiliários fundada em 2007. Foi autorizada a administrar carteiras pela CVM através do Ato Declaratório nº 9874, expedido em 06 de junho de 2008.

Nossos principais valores são Integridade, Transparência e Foco por Resultado. Possuímos um time experiente e valorizamos a formação de talentos internos. Buscamos atrair e reter os melhores profissionais através de alinhamento de interesse e meritocracia.

Atuamos principalmente no mercado de renda variável utilizando uma abordagem fundamentalista. Buscamos sempre ativos com maior potencial de geração de valor para o portfólio.


Eduardo Tkacz


Mr Tkacz has more than 20 years of experience in the financial market. Worked in institutions such as UBS Asset Management, BNP Paribas and Swiss Capital. Studied Economics and Financial Market Derivatives. Alumni from Harvard Business School (Owner and President Management – OPM48). Mr. Tkacz is also a regular speaker in conferences such as Fund Forum and Flaia.

David Klabin


Responsible for the areas of Customer Relationship, Administrative, Legal and New Business. He previously worked for Mitsubishi Motors and DARO Participações. Studied at IBMEC, and later graduated from PUC-RIO Business School. Holds certificates of Private Wealth Management from Wharton School of Business, and Family Business from Harvard Business School, as well as Master’s (LL.M) Degree in Corporate Law and Capital Markets from IBMEC.

Amanda Klabin Tkacz


Responsible for the strategic positioning of the company. She participates in the board of directors of Klabin SA. Graduated in Business Administration from IBMEC. Graduated from the Harvard Business School in the OPM 43 (Owners & Presidents Management Program), Families in Business at HBS, Private Wealth Management at Wharton School of Business, Leadership Program at HBS.

Fellipe Freire


Responsible for Risk and Compliance Management. Worked as the responsible for IT and Data Analysis for 02 years. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UFRJ.